abstract macrolide derivatives, preparation thereof and therapeutic use thereof the patent application relates to compounds of formula (i) below: to a process for preparing them and the therapeutic use thereof. _____________________________ translation of the abstract patent summary: "macrolide derivatives, their preparation and their therapeutic use". The patent application relates to the compounds of formula (I) below: formula (I), a process for their preparation and their therapeutic use.abstract macrolide derivatives, preparation thereof and therapeutic use thereof the patent application relates to compounds of formula (i) below: to a process for preparing them and to the therapeutic use thereof. _____________________________ tradução do resumo resumo patente de invenção: "derivados de macrolídeos, sua preparação e seu uso terapêutico". o pedido de patente refere-se aos compostos de fórmula (i) abaixo: fórmula (i), a um processo para a sua preparação e ao seu uso terapêutico.