automatic targeting system for intra-oral cameras. the automatic focusing system for intraoral cameras is composed of a flexible rod positioned between two electronic plates and fixed on these plates, or in the equipment cabinet. This rod contains side cuts, which allow the movement of its upper part, creating a spring effect. above this cut, they must be attached to the transverse of this rod, a neodymium magnet and an optical lens. the flexible rod must move forward and back,through a magnetic field created by two solenoid coils parallel to the neodymium magnet. These coils are fixed to the electronic plates that are in front and behind the central rod. the coils shall contain an internal circular opening in the same diameter as the neodymium magnet. and both electronic plates must also contain the same holes, parallel and with the same diameter. through an electronics and programming that controls the action of the solenoid coils, a magnetic field is created that can attract or repel the magnet,resulting in the movement of the rod and, consequently, of the optical lens, back and forth. Once the image sensor is positioned behind the optical lens, as the lens approaches the sensor, it is possible to focus objects or environments further away. and, as the lens moves away from the sensor, it is possible to focus on closer objects, and to view details.sistema de focalização automática para câmeras intra orais. o sistema de focalização automática para câmeras intraorais é composto por uma haste flexível posicionada entre duas placas eletrônicas e fixada nestas placas, ou no gabinete do equipamento. esta haste, contém cortes laterais, que permitem a movimentação da sua parte superior, criando um efeito mola. acima deste corte, devem ser encaixados na transversal desta haste, um imã de neodímio e uma lente ótica. a haste flexível deve se movimentar para frente e para traz, através de um campo magnético criado por duas bobinas solenoides paralelas ao imã de neodímio. essa