light source to stimulate the circadian cycle, where the light source (f1 / f2) belongs to the field of architecture, engineering and lighting, more particularly acts as a lighting element for environments with adaptations and arrangements for different periods of the day, enabling the performing activities while respecting the circadian cycle; the light source comprises a casing (1/20) composed of an upper base (1a / 20a) from which projecting side walls (1b / 20b) for fixing a frame (10/30) and its translucent display (9) / 40); box (1/20) includes reflector / diffuser (3) and anti-glare apparatus and diffuser (8); inside the box (1/20) is arranged lamp arrangement, as follows: a) night cycle simulation: at least one and preferably four 1.2 w amber 590 nm (2) led lamps, with driver ( 6) or at least one and preferably four 590 nm (2/70) amber LEDs; all LEDs 2200 k, b) a lamp assembly comprising: b1) daylight cycle simulation: at least one and preferably two 1rc95 bluish white tubular fluorescent lamps (7a) 18 w with built-in reactor (5) or at least one and preferably two strips of pci-type LEDs (80) with nine LEDs each; b2) dusk / dawn cycle simulation: preferably an irc95 reddish white tubular fluorescent lamp (7b) 18 w with built-in reactor or at least one nine-led pci-type LED strip (90).fonte de iluminação para estimular o ciclo circadiano, onde a fonte de iluminação ( f1/f2) pertence ao campo da arquitetura, engenharia e luminotécnica, mais particularmente atua como elemento de iluminação de ambientes com adaptações e arranjos para diferentes períodos do dia, possibilitando a realização de atividades e, simultaneamente, respeitando o ciclo circadiano; a fonte de iluminação compreende uma caixa envoltória (1/20) composta por base superior (1a/20a) de onde projetam-se paredes laterais (1b/20b) para fixação de uma moldura (10/30) e respectivo visor translúcido (9/40); inclui-se, na caixa (1/20), refletor/difusor (3) e aparato antiofuscamento e difusor (8); no int