The invention relates to a method and a device for mirror therapy within the kineto-therapy recovery procedures used in affections such as: cerebrovascular accident, phantom limb pain after amputation, complex regional pain syndrome following arm surgery. According to the invention, the method consists in recording the image of a patients healthy limb, using a mirror and a video camera, and displaying this image on a monitor, so that the patient watching the monitor has the perception of the healthy limb image as the ill limb image or as the image of the amputation blunt, as the case may be. The device, as claimed by the invention, consists of a box with two compartments (A and B), where the first compartment (A) is provided with a single opening for the patients healthy limb, inside the compartment (A) there being mounted a video camera (1) connected to a PC unit or a laptop computer (2) placed outside the box, a LED illumination source (3) and a mirror (4) which is fixed at a certain inclination, as to allow the limb to be seen, while the second compartment (B) is open on two opposite sides: one of them for the access of the therapist and the other one for the patients affected limb or amputation blunt, at the top part a monitor (6) being mounted for allowing the patient to see, by means of 3D glasses (7), the moves of the healthy limb located in the first compartment (A) while perceiving them as the moves of the ill limb or the amputation blunt.Invenţia se referă la o metodă şi la un dispozitiv pentru terapie prin sistem oglindă, din cadrul procedurilor de recuperare kinetoterapeutice, în afecţiuni precum: accident vascular cerebral, durerea membrului fantomă, în cazul amputaţiilor, sindromul de durere regională complexă, în urma unor intervenţii chirurgicale asupra mâinii. Metoda conform invenţiei constă din înregistrarea, cu ajutorul unei oglinzi şi al unei camere de luat vederi, a imaginii membrului sănătos al unui pacient, şi afişarea acesteia pe un monito