The present invention provides a pharmaceutical composition for dehydrating,atrophying and eliminating pathological tissues comprising inorganicpolymeric ferric salt and/or inorganic polymeric ferric salt composite as itsactive ingredients, in which the inorganic polymeric ferric salt is polyferricsulfate, and the inorganic polymeric ferric salt composite is selected from agroup consisting of poly-silicate ferric salts, polyphosphate ferric salts andtheir analogue. A surprising medical effect can be reached by treatingpathological tissues with the pharmaceutical composition of the presentinvention which will make the treated pathological tissues dehydrated,atrophied, and absorbed or sloughed off. The pharmaceutical composition ofthe present invention is cost-effective, convenient to use and has significanteffects in treatment of hemorrhoids, hemangiomas, varix, hygromas, abscess,tumors, scalding and burning wounds, bleeding traumatic wounds, and/orlocal injuries caused by chemical agents or microorganism.