The invention relates to a process for preparing an immunologic biopreparation to be used for treating immune deficiencies and infections with germs sensitive or resistant to antibiotics. The claimed process consists in the immunization of egg-laying hens from the breed Leghorn or Rhode Island Red of 18...20 weeks with a complex immunogen formed of 18...24 antigens prepared from bacteria, yeasts, fungi, viruses, parasites, inactivated with formol and binary ethylenimine in admixture with sodium glutamate as immunomodulator, a biological marker and a usual immunologic adjuvant, the immunogen being structured in three versions: a standard immunogen formed of 1...24 antigens, a specific immunogen formed of an immune support obtained after the immunization with 20 microbes and reimmunized with a monospecific antigen consisting of seven bacterial strains of the same species and a personalized immunogen formed of antigens prepared from a pathogenic product sampled from a pacient or of 20...26 microbial strains frequently isolated from patients, the inoculation being carried out parenterally with 2 ml of each version, at a time interval of 30 and 44 days, respectively, from the first inoculation, after which eggs containing at least 300 mg/egg immunologically active proteins are sampled, the yoke thereof being used for IgY, while the egg white is used for immunologically active proteins, the shell membrane for immunologically active proteins and immunomodulators, resulting in preparations which are conditioned in a usual manner for preventive and curative utilization.Invenţia se referă la un procedeu de obţinere a unui biopreparat imunologic, utilizat în tratamentul deficienţelor imune şi infecţiilor cu germeni sensibili sau rezistenţi la antibiotice. Procedeul conform invenţiei constă în imunizarea unor găini ouătoare din rasa Leghorn sau Rhode Island Red, de 18...20 săptămâni, cu un imunogen complex, format din 18...24 antigene preparate din bacterii, levuri, ciuperci, v