Szczepionka DNA, sposób indukowania odpowiedzi immunologicznej, przeciwciała specyficznie rozpoznające białko hemaglutyniny H5 wirusa grypy i zastosowanie szczepionki DNA
The object of the invention is a DNA vaccine, method of inducing the immune response, antibodies specifically recognizing the haemagglutinin H5 of an influenza virus and application of the DNA vaccine. According to the invention, one or two-fold immunization of hens with DNA vaccine containing a cDNA encoding the modified H5 haemagglutinin HA protein, i.e. with the deletion of the cleavage site between HA subunits (this provides for greater safety of the vaccines). Moreover, the encoding region of the HA is modified in such a way that protein production in the bird cells should achieve maximal yield. The main modification is codon optimization for the hens and deletion of the site of proteolytic cleavage between subunits HA1 and HA2.