The present invention relates to a body bag. In a preferred embodiment, the body bag comprises a plane member having an elongated portion (20) with two widths and two lengths, a rectangular-shaped flap portion (22) connected to a length of said elongated portion (20), a rounded arched portion (24) connected to each width of said elongated portion (20), an outer surface (26), an inner surface (28), curved corners and peripheral side edges; and a re-closable closure means (32) connected to the peripheral side edges of the plane member. The plane member is made of a flexible sheet material. In use, the corpse is placed on to the inner surface (28) of the elongated portion (20) of the laid opened body bag, then each rounded arch portion (24) is maneuvered together with the flap portion (22) to cover the corpse, and the closure means (32) is operated to close the body bag to contain the corpse. Advantageously, the flexible construction allows the rounded arch portion (24) to be flexed to a generally perpendicular position in relation to the elongated portion (20) thereby increasing the volume enclosed by the body bag.