Problem to be solved: when a wireless terminal device capable of communicating with a work vehicle and capable of being taken out to the outside is accidentally lost in the vicinity of the work area or work area, the technology can be easily found.A working vehicle is a radio communication section 40 capable of radio communication between a work traveling control section, a vehicle position calculating section 50 for calculating the own vehicle position, and radio terminal devices 9a and 9b which can be taken out to the outside, and radio wave strength for detecting radio wave strength of radio waves received from radio terminal devices 9a and 9b The detecting section 41 is provided with a radio wave strength recording section 61 for recording the radio wave strength detected by the radio wave intensity detecting section 41 with the own vehicle position and recording it as radio wave intensity data.Diagram【課題】作業車両と通信可能で、外部へ持ち出し可能な無線端末機器を誤って作業地または作業地周辺で紛失した場合にも、容易に見つけ出すことができる技術。【解決手段】作業車両は、作業走行制御部と、自車位置を算出する自車位置算出部50と、外部へ持ち出し可能な無線端末機器9A,9Bとの間で無線通信可能な無線通信部40と、無線端末機器9A,9Bとから受信する電波の電波強度を検出する電波強度検出部41と、電波強度検出部41によって検出された電波強度を自車位置と関係付けて電波強度データとして記録する電波強度記録部61とを備えている。【選択図】図5