method of obtaining meat of pigs revealed pig breed or breed poland poland white zwis\u0142oucha white zwis\u0142oucha x duroc, which consists in this, that culture leads using feed protein content in quantities from 14.2 to 15.6%, by mass, carbohydrate from 60.0 65.0% by weight to ., fat from 7 to 8% by weight, the total content of minerals from 1.2 to 1.6 wt%.with a ratio of unsaturated fatty acids, omega 6 and omega 3 for 4 - 6: 1, with the addition of flax seed in quantities from 2.5 to 4.0% by weight of vitamin e in quantities of from 80 to 150 mg \/ kg feed, selenium in quantities of from 0.4 to 1.0 mg \/ kg feed, linseed oil, in quantities of 1 - 4% w \/ w, rapeseed oil in il bones 1% - 3% by weight.with time the supplementation in flax seeds, linseed oil, rapeseed oil and vitamin e is at least 60 days prior to slaughter and culture lead in time of not less than 5 months, to obtain the mass slaughter of not less than 105kg + 20 and class quality from e to d, route bones, meat in carcass from above 45% and the fat content of not higher than 5 wt%.and half carcases before cutting wych\u0142adza in temperature from 0 to 2 oc, in time, from 16 to 18 hours, with relative humidity of 60 to 70% and the speed of air flow in the cold from 0.3 to 0.7 m \/ sec. the invention also includes the pig meat obtained in this way.Ujawniono sposób pozyskiwania mięsa wieprzowego ze świni rasy Polska Biała Zwisłoucha albo rasy Polska Biała Zwisłoucha x Duroc, który polega na tym, tym, że hodowlę prowadzi się przy użyciu paszy o zawartości białka w ilości od 14,2 do 15,6% wag., węglowodanów od 60,0 do 65,0% wag., tłuszczu od 7 do 8% wag., ogółem zawartości składników mineralnych od 1,2 do 1,6% wag., przy stosunku nienasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych omega 6 do omega 3 w zakresie 4 - 6 : 1, z dodatkiem nasion lnu w ilości od 2,5 do 4,0 % wag., witaminy E w ilości od 80 do 150 mg/kg paszy, selenu w ilości od 0,4 do 1,0 mg/kg paszy, oleju lnianego w ilości 1 - 4% wag., oleju rzepakowego