the subject invention is a device for monitoring the condition of the foetus, which is the first module in the system to implement this monitoring by examination of his heart and movements, as well as tracking voltage uterine muscle. also is adapted to determine the concentration of oxygen in the blood of a newborn.device for monitoring the condition of the foetus, which is a belt (1) with conjugated with sensors (4) for measuring kardiotokograficznego ktg and function skurczowych uterus, in accordance with the invention is characterized by that on the inner (2), the belt (1) is coupled with the matrix (3) - jnik\u00f3w measuring (4) spaced evenly, advantageously in four the distance not greater than 5 cm in area 40% the length of the (1) in its central zone. also with this zone the belt (1) is connected by a probe (5) studying contractions flexible connector (6), which may also constitute a wire connecting it with the acquisition module, and the length of the probe (5) to the point of attachment to the belt (1) is at least 10 cm.outside the probe (5) of acquisition module are connected to sensors (4) for measuring ktg. turn on the external side of the belt (1) is holding station acquisition module with connectors coupling it with the sensors (4, 5). besides, the device in accordance with the invention, is characterized by the fact that the acquisition module is connected, the sensor pulse mother.also with this acquisition module can be combined pulsoksymetryczny sensor measuring the oxygen concentration in the blood.Przedmiotem wynalazku jest urządzenie do monitorowania stanu płodu, które stanowi pierwszy moduł w systemie do realizacji tego monitoringu poprzez badanie czynności jego serca oraz ruchów, jak również śledzenia napięcia mięśnia macicy. Również jest przystosowane do określenia stężenia tlenu we krwi noworodka. Urządzenie do monitorowania stanu płodu, które stanowi pas (1) ze sprzężonymi z nim czujnikami (4) pomiaru kardiotokograficznego KTG oraz