The health there is the effect of acupuncture - moxibustion or more and is illuminated with light bulb on the top of the box to put both hands than the entrance on the front bottom of the [ challenge ] box to provide the call. And also , is characterized by providing the base 2 of the oblique bottom of the LED1 installed at the top of this [ SOLUTION ] By carrying palm on the table , the stand just before the finger , and receives sterically and characterized in that it can lower the blood pressure after a few minutes by a special wavelength of LED, and also to stimulate acupuncture points . [ Selection ] Figure Figure 1【課題】箱の正面下部にある入り口より両手を入れて箱の上面にある電球で照明すると鍼・灸以上の効果がある健康のはこを提供する。【解決手段】はこの上部に設置したLED1の下部に斜めの台2を設けたことを特徴とし、また、台の上に手のひらを乗せ、指を少し手前に立て、立体的に受光することでLEDの特別な波長により、ツボを刺激し、また数分後には血圧を下げることができることを特徴とする。【選択図】図1