Invention herewith described refers to the preparation for the treatment of skin diseases, psoriasis, and the process for its preparation. The subject of the invention is the curative which, as well as in the Patent 46838 B, efficiently and without compromising the integrity of healthy organs and the skin, cleans the skin of scales, normalize the processes imbalance of which causes the appearance of the disease, and the relapse approaches to zero. After addition of the active substance solution, it is necessary to homogenize the mass by stirring, cooling and vacuuming to a temperature of 20° C. The particular stirring rate while homogenizing should provide an optimal consistency of the product in terms of lubricity and adhesion properties to the skin.Pronalazak se odnosi na preparat za lečenje kožne bolesti psorijaze i postupak za njegovo dobijanje. Predmet pronalaska je lekovito sredstvo koje, kao i iz patenta 46838 B, efikasno i bez ugrožavanja integriteta zdravih organa i kože, čisti kožu od psora, normalizuje procese čijim disbalansom se bolest pojavila, a recidive približava nuli. Nakon dodavanja rastvora aktivnih supstanci potrebno je masu homogenizovati uz mešanje, hlađenje i vakuumiranje do temperature od 20° C. Određena brzina mešanja uz homogenizaciju treba da obezbedi optimalnu konzistenciju proizvoda u smislu mazivosti i prijanjanja na kožu.