According to the present invention, a denture-shaped jig (Tray CAP) is fixed by dental denture design software by using a 3D printer according to the shape of a cuboid container or an arrangement of teeth in the oral cavity. To a denture manufacturing method using a tray cap jig to 1. Making a jig of the same shape as the shape of the cuboid container or the arrangement of the teeth in the oral cavity with a 3D printer; 2. Inserting the denture into the denture groove in the engraved tray CAP; 3. Cutting the denture roots as many as specified by the dental denture design software after inserting them into the tray CAP. According to the present invention, when a jig (Tray CAP) made of a 3D printer is used, a manufacturer can make a jig (Tray CAP) according to the shape of a tooth according to the shape of different teeth. In this regard, the present invention can solve the conventional problems as the jig (Tray CAP) as the 3D printer can be made as desired by the shape of the tooth made by the manufacturer and manufacturer of the tooth. In addition, if the teeth can be made into a jig (Tray CAP) by the 3D printer according to the shape of the teeth, it is possible to easily and variously provide the patients with the teeth utilizing the cosmetic functional characteristics of numerous manufacturers. In addition, the process of making dentures is also complemented, so that instead of using the 3D printer or milling the entire denture, only the denture root part is easily processed using a tray jig by a 3D printer. There is a remarkable effect of reducing the manufacturing cost, thus.본발명은 음각 모양을 한 모양의 지그(Tray CAP)를 치과용 틀니디자인소프트어에 의하여 3D Printer를 사용하여 직육면체용기 모양 또는 구강내 치아의 배열 모양에 따라서 만들어 내는 의치 밀링가공시 움직이지 않게 고정하는 트레이 캡 지그를 이용한 틀니 제작방법에 관한 것으로,1. 직육면체용기 모양 또는 구강내 치아의 배열 모양과 동일한 모양의 지그를 3D Printer로 만드는 단계;2. 음각 모양을 한 모양의 지그(Tray CAP)에 있는 의치홈에 의치를 삽입하는 단계;3. 지그(Tray CAP)에 삽입한 후에 치과용 틀니디자인소프트웨어가 지정한 만큼 의치뿌리들을 각각 절삭하는 단계;를 포함하는 것으로,본발명은, 3D Printer로 만들어진 지그(Tray CAP)를 사용하면, 제조사