The invention relates to medicine and the chemical and pharmaceutical industry and to agents for treating diseases caused by angiogenesis regulation disorders, in particular to a method for treating oncological diseases of different genesis by inducing angiogenesis inhibition which is secondary to the direct antitumoral, anti-reccurant and anti-metastatic action as well as by the associated activation of the apoptosis endogenous system. The invention uses a novel peroral medicinal form, comprising ingredients relating to the class of natural terpene compounds (isoprenoids), produced from coniferous threes of a Pinaceae family, which medicinal form contains: sesquiterpenoids (3-6%), neutral diterpenoids (11-15%), diterpene acids (22-28%), triterpene acids (8-16%), unsaturated and saturated fatty acids (0.1-0.3%), phenolic compounds (0.1-0.2%), monoterpenoids being the rest, wherein the bornyl acetate content is equal to not less that 10.0% of the total terpene composition. It is expected that the use of the novel peroral medicinal form, the substance of which exhibits immunomodulating, antibacterial, antiinflammatory, anesthetic, wound-healing and other pharmacologically-significant actions, is free of contra-indications and toxic effects and can be used together with different agents, provides a novel therapeutic approach and enhances the efficiency of treatment of oncological and many other diseases caused by angiogenesis process disorders.Изобретение относится к медицине и химико-фармацевтической промышленности и касается средства для лечения заболеваний, связанных с нарушением регуляции ангиогенеза, в частности к способу лечения онкологических заболеваний различного генеза путем индукции ингибирования ангиогенеза на фоне прямого противоопухолевого, антирецидивного и антиметастатического воздействий, а также сопутствующей активации эндогенной системы апоптоза. Изобретение реализуется при использовании новой пероральной лекарственной формы, содержащей ингредиенты,