This invention relates to an operating method of head acupuncture points massaging helmet. The method includes: (1) preparing step (2) acupuncture points setting step (3) acupuncture points massaging step and (4) finishing step. The helmet includes a helmet module, a massaging module, and controlling module. This helmet module is provided for fitting on a user’s head. The massaging module contains many massaging units disposed on the inner surface of the helmet module for massaging corresponding acupuncture points. This controlling module has a pressure source and a valve with many switches so as to control the desired massaging points. When the pressure source is opened, the pressurized air will arrive specific acupuncture points to conduct the head massage. Different massage modes can be memorized for future use. Therefore, the user can preset the desired acupuncture points. Different massage modes can be memorized. Plus, the structure of the helmet is simple.本發明係為一種穴位記憶按摩頭盔裝置之運作方法,其運作方法包括下列步驟:一.準備步驟、二.設定按摩穴位步驟、三.進行穴位按摩步驟,以及四.完成步驟;其頭盔裝置則包括一頭盔模組、一按摩模組及一控制模組;此頭盔模組係用以戴在使用者的頭部;而按摩模組則設複數個伸縮按摩單元分佈在頭盔模組內表面,並與使用者頭部的穴位相對應;此控制模組設有一壓力源及複數個對應伸縮按摩單元的閥裝置,藉控制模組預設要按摩的穴位,而開啟與按摩穴位對應的閥裝置,則啟動壓力源時,即透過開啟的閥裝置將壓力供入相對應的伸縮按摩單元,即可對預設的按摩穴位進行按摩,並可記憶每一次按摩的模式以供下次直接設定使用,故,本案兼具可預設想要按摩的穴位、可記憶不同的穴位按摩模式與頭盔式結構便於使用等優點及功效。10...頭盔模組11...容納部12...固定部20A...伸縮按摩單元21...管部23...壓力部30...控制模組31...中央處理器311...穴位按摩資料32...壓力源321...分支壓力管33...閥裝置333...電磁元件34...輸入部91...頭部911...穴位