FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to surgery, namely to oncology and oncoradiology, and can be used for trepan-biopsy of pancreatic head and distal choledochal tumours. It is followed by transhepatic puncture access to bile ducts with tissue sampling for histological examination from different places, performed under X-ray control to perform cholangiography. Metal conductor is delivered through the tumour stenosis along the true choledochal lumen. Material is sampled with a single-stage bougienage of the transhepatic puncture canal and the tumour occlusion zone. Device for trepan-biopsy of head and pancreatic head tumours and a distal portion of a common bile duct includes a plastic polymer tube, a Luer/Luer Lock syringe connector and a radiopaque label. Device has two working channels for a puncture needle and a metal guide, the proximal ends of which are rigidly fixed relative to each other at angle of 20–40°, a distal end in the form of a truncated cone, a projection in the distal portion of the puncture canal, providing angle of 5–30° between axis of inner end of puncture needle and axis of metal conductor, and radiopaque label located near inner hole of puncture canal.EFFECT: disclosed method and device enable to obtain material for histological examination only under X-ray control with 100 % information value with simplicity of intervention.2 cl, 2 dwgИзобретение относится к хирургии, а именно к онкологии и онкорадиологии, и может быть использовано для трепан-биопсии опухолей головки поджелудочной железы и дистального отдела холедоха. Выполняют транспеченочный пункционный доступ к желчным протокам с забором ткани для гистологического исследования из разных мест, выполняемый под рентгеноскопическим контролем с возможностью выполнения холангиографии. При этом осуществляют проведение металлического проводника сквозь опухолевый стеноз по истинному просвету холедоха. Забор материала производят с одномоментным бужированием транспеченочного пункционного ка