An electrotherapy device capable of gradually increasing the intensity ofstimulationis provided with a voltage regulation circuit, which is electrically connectedto a DCpower supply unit, a control unit, and a pulse output circuit respectively,and can regulatethe voltage output to the pulse output circuit according to a control signalreceived fromthe control unit, in order for the waveforms of the electrical pulses outputfrom the pulseoutput circuit to vary in modulated intensity, modulated waveforms, modulatedfrequencies and modulated rest period durations , and for the output currentoutput fromthe pulse output circuit to each electrode pad to gradually increase from alow value to apredetermined value. The electrotherapy device can thus stimulatecorrespondingacupoints on a human body with gradually increasing intensity and therebysimulate theforces and tactile sensations of a typical manual massage on those acupointsby hand.