Kulakov Anatolij Alekseevich (RU),Кулаков Анатолий Алексеевич (RU),Brajlovskaya Tatyana Vladislavovna (RU),Брайловская Татьяна Владиславовна (RU),Tangieva Zakhira Alievna (RU),Тангиева Захира Алиевна
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to maxillofacial surgery. Under anesthesia, a semicircular incision is made along the border of the mucosa in the projection of the region with an insufficient area of the attached gingiva and cicatrical deformities of the vestibule. Soft tissues, connective-tissue cords are incised to the periosteum along the whole length of the operated section. That is followed by apical displacement of the movable mucosa and soft tissues of the skin site of the revasculerised autograft by 15.0 mm to a new depth of the arch of the vestibule. At the edges of the semicircular incision, two additional incisions are made at angle of 90°, wherein angles are facing apically displaced mucosa. Using a sterile aluminum foil, an enlarged portion of the formed prosthetic bed is measured, and a template for sampling a complete full-wall autograft is prepared. Complete full-wall autograft is taken, which is applied on formed bed and fixed to periosteum with U-shaped sutures with distance between seams of 5.0–6.0 mm in the following sequence: beginning from apex of alveolar crest to apical border of formed vestibule of oral cavity. Then the autograft is fixed to the periosteum along the entire surface in staggered order.EFFECT: method allows enlarging the surface of the bone base of the prosthetic bed, forming soft tissues of the prosthetic bed of the toothless jaws, as well as providing maximum adjacency of the skin autograft to the recipient area.1 clИзобретение относится к области медицины, а именно к челюстно-лицевой хирургии. Под анестезией производят полукруглый разрез по границе слизисто-десневого соединения в проекции области с недостаточной зоной прикрепленной десны и рубцовыми деформациями преддверия рта. Производят рассечение мягких тканей, соединительно-тканных тяжей до надкостницы по всей длине оперируемого участка. Далее проводят апикальное перемещение подвижной слизистой и мягких тканей кожной площадки реваскуляриз