< Topic >The sheet which in the bed making is difficult to become the wrinkle is offeredSolutionsSheet 1 for medical treatment facility has the opening 21 in order to interpose the mattress, the mattress which is interposed from opening 21 enclosing possibly is formed by sack condition inside, the margin of the shorter side of opening 21 of Nagakata form is formed with the cloth 24,25 which designates knit as the material. In addition sheet 1 for medical treatment facility, table cloth has 10 of Nagakata form and opening 21 and rim form as the table cloth superposes with the reverse side cloth 20 which, was formed to the same form is formed by sack condition by sewing on the arm which opposes mutually, table cloth 10 is formed the cloth , as the material the cloth 22,23 which forms the edge of the shorter side where Nagakata form is formed in the reverse side cloth 20 which is formed to Nagakata form, is formed with the cloth which designates the cloth as the material.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】ベッドメイキングでしわになりにくいシーツを提供する【解決手段】医療施設用シーツ1は、マットレスを挿入するための開口部21を有し、開口部21から挿入されたマットレスを内部に収納可能に袋状に形成され、長方形状の開口部21の短辺の周縁部は、ニットを素材とした布地24,25で形成されている。また医療施設用シーツ1は、長方形状の表布地10と、開口部21を有し外周形状が表布地と同じ形状に形成された裏布地20とを重ね合わせて、互いに対向する辺同士を縫い付けることにより袋状に形成され、表布地10は、布帛を素材として形成され、長方形状に形成されている裏布地20において、長方形状を構成する短辺の端縁部を構成する布地22,23は、布帛を素材とした布地で形成されている。【選択図】図1