БАУЭР Джонатан П. (US),КОХ Дин Р. (US),МАККРИДИ Пол Э. (US),РОСС Майкл Гленн (US),БЕРКИ Крейг Б. (US)
1. A device for measuring the length of the cervix, containing: an elongated measuring unit, continuing along the longitudinal axis and including a measuring scale located on it; a hollow unit, coaxial with an elongated measuring unit and located on top of it; a flange offset from the longitudinal axis and mounted to the distal end of the hollow link; a handle attached to the proximal end of the measuring link; an locking mechanism, which is capable of locking, during locking, the hollow link relative to the measuring link and, when unlocked, to allow the hollow link to slide along the measuring link and rotate around the longitudinal axis so as to position the flange in the desired position without moving the measuring scale. 2. The device according to claim 1, in which the proximal end of the hollow link is made with the possibility of sliding in the handle. The device according to claim 1, in which the flange has an opening through which the measuring element can move distally. The device according to claim 1, in which the flange has a flat surface perpendicular to the longitudinal axis. The device according to claim 1, in which the locking mechanism includes a button, the button includes a through hole made so that the hollow link can slide through it, as well as a locking channel made so that the hollow link cannot gliding through it. 6. The device according to claim 5, in which the button further includes at least one locking slope between the through hole and the locking channel. The device according to claim 1, in which the measuring scale is a millimeter scale.1. Устройство для измерения длины шейки матки, содержащее:удлиненное измерительное звено, продолжающееся вдоль продольной оси и включающее в себя расположенную на нем измерительную шкалу;полое звено, коаксиальное с удлиненным измерительным звеном и расположенное поверх него;фланец, смещенный от продольной оси и крепящийся к дистальному концу полого звена;ручку, прикрепленную к проксимальному концу изм