This invention provides medicine compositions for treating urinary system, which is used to carry a carbon material containing 60 wt% or more of carbon in a water-containing carrier so as to make both form a medically acceptable water-containing carrier that carries carbon. The carbon material in each dose of medicine compositions of water-containing carrier that carries carbon is in the range from 0.1g/ml to 500 mg/ml, and the diameter of the carbon material is between 2nm and 2mm. The carbon material is further combined with metal particles selected from one of silver, platinum, gold, zinc or copper, or the group composed of these metals. The diameter of the metal particle is between 2 nm and 2 mm. The carbon material, or the carbon material combined with metal particles, contained in the medicine compositions can contact with the bladder or related organs inside animal, and have the functions of disinfection and lowering the cystitis, can control infection effectively and prevent the repetitive occurrence of cystitis, make the surface wound to be healed quicker and ease the disease of the cystitis sufferer. It can also be used regularly in concert with the medical personnel to keep the urinary system free of bacteria and prevent the occurrence of bacteriuria, cystitis and pyelonephritis.本發明係提供本發明係提供一種治療泌尿系統的醫藥組成物,其係將含碳量之重量百分比在60wt%以上之碳材料載於一含水載體,使兩者形成藥用上可接受之載有碳材料之含水載體,並使載有碳材料之含水載體之醫藥組成物其碳材料係為每單位劑量於0.1mg/ml至500mg/ml間,且該碳材料之直徑係介於2nm至2mm之間,而該碳材料進一步更結合有選自由銀、鉑、鈀、金、鋅或銅其中之一或其組成之族群之金屬顆粒,且該金屬顆粒之直徑係介於2nm至2mm之間,該醫藥組成物所含之碳材料或結合金屬顆粒之碳材料均可與動物體內之膀胱及其相關組織相接觸,具有殺菌及降低膀胱炎之症狀,同時能有效地控制感染,防止膀胱炎反覆發作,並促使膀胱表面傷口癒合,使膀胱炎患者之病症得以舒緩,更可配合醫護人員定期使用,可使泌尿系統中維持無菌狀態,預防菌尿症,避免導致尿道感染、膀胱炎與腎盂腎炎的產生。