2. Preparing (4S) - 4 - (4-cyanogen-2-methoxyphenyl) - 5-Etoxi-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 4-dihydro-1, 6-Naftiridin-3-Carbox-Amida and its purification as the principle of active drugs
N refers to new and improved preparation and amperometric procedures; Oacute; N refers to 4-(4-cyanogen-2-methoxyphenyl) -4-(4-cyanogen-2-methoxyphenyl) -5-Etoxi-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 4-dihydro-1, 6-NAFTRIDIN-3-carbon box-amida de formula (i) as amp; IACUTE; as preparation and amperometric; OACU; and AMP; and E; N de la modificaci amp; Oacute; N glorina I de (4s) - 4 - (4-Ciano-2-methyfenil) - 5-etoxi-2, 8-dimethyl-1, 4-dihydro-1, 6-naftiridin-3-carbox-amida de f amp; Oacute; RMULA (I) LT; /P GT;<;p>;LA PRESENTE INVENCIÓ;N SE REFIERE A UN PROCEDIMIENTO NUEVO Y MEJORADO PARA LA PREPARACIÓ;N DE (4S)-4-(4-CIANO-2- METOXIFENIL)-5-ETOXI-2,8-DIMETIL-1,4-DIHIDRO-1,6-NAFTIRIDIN-3-CARBOX-AMIDA DE FORMULA (I) ASÍ; COMO LA PREPARACIÓ;N Y UTILIZACIÓ;N DE LA MODIFICACIÓ;N CRISTALINA I DE (4S)-4-(4-CIANO-2-METOXIFENIL)-5-ETOXI-2,8-DIMETIL-1,4-DIHIDRO-1,6- NAFTIRIDIN-3-CARBOX-AMIDA DE FÓ;RMULA (I).<;/p>;