A tool to measure, diagnose and retrain post-lingually deafened cochlear implant recipients to enjoy sound and particularly musical sound. The tool includes audio and visual stimulus presentation apparatus, selected and stored musical scores, subject response apparatus, and a means to access the cochlear implant. These act in conjunction with: a Sound Enjoyment Assessment Tool (SEAT); a Perceptual Discrimination Assessment Tool (PDAT) including: a) a pitch discrimination assessment (PA) tool, and b) a timbre discrimination assessment (TA) tool. A Music Perception Ability Tool (MPAT) and a Timbre Perception Ability Retraining Tool (TPART). These components are used together initially as a composite Diagnostic Tool. The diagnostic tool produces a set of diagnostic scores of the patient's enjoyment of music. SEAT produces a musical enjoyment score. PDAT produces a pitch and timbre discrimination ability score. MPAT produces a profile of scores of the user's perceptual abilities related to music patterns and melodies.