Method for applying Improver of Brown color to food product comprising: Foodstuff partially ready to apply one or more agents improversTurn head to press controlled Supply drops from head of Improver nozzles in supplyControl Head of production for the selected pattern and quantity continue to Improver, and continue to build additional device.
Method for implementing Improver for the manufacture of foodstuffs manufactured food product comprising receiving a supply drop, turn Head controlledThe Head of Supply control, and provide hardware to implement that Foodstuff; agent; Foodstuff; and use of one or more Heads of Supply.Método para aplicar agente mejorador durante la fabricación de productos alimenticios que comprende recibir un producto alimenticio fabricado, activar cabeza de suministro tipo gota controlada, controlar dicha cabeza de suministro, y proporcionar dicho producto alimenticio; aparato para aplicar dicho agente; producto alimenticio; y uso de una o más cabezas de suministro.