БЛИКХЭН Брайан (US),МИН Киунгиоон (US),КОРК Уилльям Х. (US)
1. A method for identifying one or more containers for storage from a processing kit for a blood product during processing of a certain amount of whole blood based on donor identification data associated with a donor or a container for collecting whole blood, the method comprising: loading one or more storage containers from the treatment kit to the blood processing device; extracting donor identification data and data for one or more storage containers from the treatment kit; matching the donor identification data with one or more storage containers from the processing kit; treating the whole blood so that the separated blood product is transferred to one or more storage containers from the processing kit; checking the data of the storage container against the donor identification data and disconnecting one or more containers for storage from the processing kit. 2. The method of claim 1, wherein the donor identification data is associated with a collection container, and the collection container is part of an integrated system including one or more storage containers from a processing kit. The method of claim 1, wherein the donor identification data is associated with a collection container, and the collection container is initially located separately from one or more storage containers from the processing kit and is connected to one or more storage containers from the processing kit after data extraction collection container. 4. The method according to any one of paragraphs. 1-3, in which the identification data is associated with a barcode. 5. How1. Способ для идентификации одного или более контейнеров для хранения из набора для обработки для продукта крови во время обработки некоторого количества цельной крови на основании данных идентификации донора, ассоциированных с донором или с контейнером для сбора цельной крови, при этом способ включает в себя:загрузку одного или более контейнеров для хранения из набора для обработки в устройство обработки крови;извлечени