Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Voronezhskij gosudarstvennyj universitet inzhenernykh tekhnologij" (FGBOU VO "VGUIT")
Shentsova Evgeniya Sergeevna,Шенцова Евгения Сергеевна,Shevtsov Aleksandr Anatolevich,Шевцов Александр Анатольевич,Drannikov Aleksej Viktorovich,Дранников Алексей Викторович,Lytkina Larisa Igorevna,Лы
FIELD: agriculture.SUBSTANCE: method for producing fodder briquettes and line for their production are proposed. The method for producing fodder briquettes involves obtaining the homogeneous mixture of components, then cooling the resulting mixture and forming the briquettes. First, the crushed wheat grain is mixed with water at the ratio of 1:3, the resulting mixture is preheated to the temperature of 40…50°C, then the gelatinization of the grain suspension is carried out at the temperature of 75…80°C, and its dextrinization with the introduction of the α-amylase enzyme is carried out at the temperature of 65…70°C. The resulting grain molasses are mixed with hydrol, bentonite, sunflower oilcake, tricalcium phosphate, calcium oxide and a premix at the temperature of 110…115°C until the degree of uniformity is equal to 95…97%. The resulting mass is dosed, moulded, cooled with air to the temperature of 20…25°C and output as a finished product. All components are taken at a specified ratio. The line for the production of fodder briquettes provides for the preparation of energy carriers to perform the technological operations with using a heat pump contains the sites of: preparing the grain syrup dosing-mixing the components moulding and cooling the briquettes preparing the energy carriers for the implementation of the technological operations. The site of preparing grain syrup includes a recuperator-heat exchanger, a gelatination apparatus for grain starch with a heating jacket and a stirrer, a dextrinization apparatus with a cooling jacket, a condensate collector, dosing pumps. The site of dosing-mixing the components includes hoppers above the dosing devices, equipped with feeders, a reactor-mixer with a heating jacket and a stirrer. The site of moulding and cooling the briquettes includes a dispenser-discharger, a convection cooling chamber with a fan. The site of preparing energy carriers includes a steam generator with a coil oil heater and a safety valve, a high-