FIELD: hydraulics.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to hydraulics and test equipment and can be used to determine hydraulic characteristics of different devices: intrasoil sprinklers, drippers, narrowing devices, washers, nozzles, throttles, nozzles, etc. Invention can be used for laboratory work. Invention aims to improve efficiency and accuracy of measurements and allowing study of hydraulic characteristics and resistance of different devices at high pressure. Set task is achieved by pressure water tank previously filled with water and has a measuring scale. Measuring scale is used to determine volume of water in pressure water tank, for which it is calibrated. To generate hydraulic pressure, unit is equipped with tyres with a metal disc inside. For this tyre with a metal plate is filled with electric pump air to required pressure. Pressure in pressure water tank creates air from vehicle tyres, which is connected to water pressure tank by means of air pressure hose. Pressurised water tank for ease of investigation is set on a tripod, and an air pressure hose has an air valve, which regulates air flow. Analysed element is connected to pressure water tank by water pressure hose. For measurement of water pressure, plant is equipped with a pressure gauge with water valves.EFFECT: plant for hydraulic research enables to create pressure in system of up to 8÷9 atm or higher and is completely safe in operation.4 cl, 1 dwgИзобретение относится к области гидравлики и контрольно-измерительной техники и может быть использовано для определения гидравлических характеристик различных устройств: внутрипочвенных оросителей, капельниц, сужающих устройств, шайб, сопел, дросселей, жиклеров и т.д. Изобретение можно использовать и для проведения лабораторных работ. Целью изобретения является повышение эффективности и точности измерения и обеспечение возможности исследования гидравлических характеристик и сопротивлений различных устройств при больших напорах. Поставленная цель достигается те