Disclosed is a pressurised gas mist bathing system which controls the amount of gas and liquid, pressure and the like, and can ensure suitable conditions for the absorption of a gas mist be absorbed through the skin and mucous membranes of an organism. The system is configured from: a gas supply means (11), which supplies carbon dioxide, oxygen, or a gaseous mixture of carbon dioxide gas and either oxygen or air at a prescribed concentration or higher a liquid supply means (21) a gas mist supply means (31) which generates a gas mist by using the negative pressure produced by the gas current to draw in the liquid so as to collide with the gas and thereby disperse the liquid and the gas and an organism covering member (51) which covers the skin and mucous membranes of the organism and forms a space in which the gas mist supplied by the gas mist supply means (31) is sealed. The gas mist supply means (31) is provided with a means (41) for adjusting the gas mist supply pressure, which adjusts the supply pressure of the gas mist by regulating the amount of air sucked in from outside by changing the state of connection between the inside and outside of the gas mist supply means (31).La présente invention concerne un système de bain à pression de brouillard gazeux qui permet labsorption dun brouillard gazeux à travers la peau et les membranes muqueuses dun organisme dans les conditions les plus appropriées grâce au contrôle du gaz, du volume de liquide, de la pression et similaires. Le système est conçu à partir dun moyen dalimentation en gaz (11), qui fournit du dioxyde de carbone en concentrations égales ou supérieures à une valeur prédéterminée, de loxygène, ou un gaz mixte composé de dioxyde de carbone et doxygène, ou du dioxyde de carbone et de lair dun moyen dalimentation en liquide (21), dun moyen dalimentation en brouillard gazeux (31) qui produit un brouillard gazeux par aspiration du liquide à laide de la basse pression provoquée par le courant dair gazeux, faisa