The subject matter of the present patent consists of portable equipment intended for use in photo-chromotherapy, which generates, by means of LEDs, white light that simulates the solar spectrum, including the near infrared and near ultraviolet light regions, and also splits the white light and selects one of the various colours present, using nine or more than nine coloured filters, said portable equipment having an electronic circuit which allows said light emission to be generated with pulses of 1.5 Hz, 7.28 Hz and 28 Hz, for as long as the user wishes, and a sui generis cut quartz crystal, called a "Vogel Crystal", placed between the light-emitting sources and the devices for emission and application of the light on the skin, which can be done directly by aiming the spotlight from the equipment, which has the cylindrical shape of a torch, or by using fibre-optic cable, which can be fitted to the above-mentioned cylinder, for aiming a spot of light inside natural body cavities. The equipment which is the subject matter of the present patent has nine or more than nine coloured filters which fit, one at a time, into the housing present in the body of the equipment and can operate individually or together with a non-specified number of filters in the form of lenticular ampules made of quartz, which can also be used individually and are directly struck by the white light, said generated light passing through a "Vogel Crystal" which can be placed before or after the filters.Le présent brevet a pour objet un équipement portatif destiné à l'application d'une photo-chromothérapie produisant, au moyen de DEL, une lumière blanche qui simule le spectre solaire, y compris les fractions de lumière infrarouge et ultraviolette proches, et décompose la lumière blanche et sélectionne l'une des diverses couleurs présentes, parmi au moins neuf filtres colorés, un circuit électronique permettant que les émissions lumineuses puissent être réalisées en impulsions de 1,5 Hz, 7,28 Hz et