ЛОУСОН Кэтлин Мари (US),РАЙЧЕК Джероми Томас (US),МЭСИАГ Кэтлин Энн (US),ГАМИЛЬТОН Рэймонд Скотт (US)
1. A disposable absorbent article comprising: a first waist region, a second waist region, a crotch region located between the first waist region and the second waist region; a first waistband and a second waistband; wherein the disposable absorbent article contains a first waistband located in close proximity to the first waistband and a second waistband located in close proximity to the second waistband, and the difference in the reduction of the base part in the front and rear parts is more than about 9 , 0% .2. A disposable absorbent product according to claim 1, characterized in that the first waistband and the second waistband are attached to the absorbent product with the same mounting tension of the waistbands. 3. A disposable absorbent product according to claim 1, characterized in that both the first waistband and the second waistband contain a laminate of waistbands. 4. A disposable absorbent product according to claim 1, characterized in that the waistband laminate comprises non-woven material and at least two elastic threads, and each of said at least two elastic threads has a different elongation. A disposable absorbent product according to claim 4, characterized in that the laminate of the waistbands is cut between the at least two elastic threads to form a first waistband and a second waistband, the first waistband containing non-woven material and at least one elastic thread, and the second waistband comprises a nonwoven fabric and at least one elastic thread. Odnora1. Одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие, содержащее: первую поясную область, вторую поясную область, промежностную область, расположенную между первой поясной областью и второй поясной областью; первый поясной край и второй поясной край; при этом одноразовое абсорбирующее изделие содержит первую поясную тесемку, расположенную в непосредственной близости к первому поясному краю и вторую поясную тесемку, расположенную в непосредственной близости ко второму поясному краю, и при этом разность с