1. An apparatus (100) for influencing and / or detecting magnetic particles in the field (28) of view, the apparatus comprising: i) means (120) for selecting and forming the focusing magnetic field (50) and the selection focus, a directivity pattern having space intensity of its magnetic field, so that the generated field (28) of view and provide the first subzone (52) for changing the position in the field space (28) of within a region (230) of the survey, which has a low intensity of the magnetic field, wherein the magnetization of the magnetic particle n e reaches saturation, and the second subzone (54) which has an increased intensity of the magnetic field, wherein the magnetization of the magnetic particles comes to saturation, said means for selecting and focusing comprises at least one set of coils (114 113, 115- 119) and the field selection unit (112) selecting a generator field and focusing currents for generating selection fields and focusing to be provided for said at least one set of coils (114 113, 115-119) and selection fields for focusing control formation of said magnetic field and the selection focus, wherein said at least one array of field coils selection and focusing comprises: - at least one inner coil (113, 115) of the field selecting and focusing that is generated as a closed loop around the axis (115a) of the inner coil, a first inner coil (115) and the field selection focus, - a group of at least two outer coils (116-119) and selection fields focus located on greater distance from said axis (115a ) Of the inner coil than said at least one inner katu1. Устройство (100) для оказания влияния и/или обнаружения магнитных частиц в поле (28) зрения, причем устройство содержит:i) средство (120) выбора и фокусировки для формирования магнитного поля (50) выбора и фокусировки, имеющего диаграмму направленности в пространстве напряженности его магнитного поля, так что формируются в поле (28) зрения и служат для изменения положения в пространстве поля (2