Methods and components for treating obesity, preventing weight gain, promoting weight loss, promoting weight loss or treating or preventing the development of diabetes
It refers to a drug synthesis including chemical dechlorinating agents such as tirfostine 9, with a content of 2 mg to 200 mg, and Botox or its derivatives with a content of 20 mg to 5000 mg. In addition, the synthesis can be combined with one or more therapeutic agents, such as insulin, flurane, two handed cuff, etc. This ingredient is useful in treating obesity, preventing weight gain, promoting weight loss, or in treating and preventing the development of diabetes.Se refiere a una composicion farmaceutica que comprende un desacoplador quimico tal como tirfostina 9, en una cantidad de 2mg a 200 mg y L-carnitina o un derivado de la misma, en una cantidad de 20 mg a 5000 mg. Adicionalmente, dicha composicion se puede combinar con uno o mas agentes terapeuticos tal como insulina, sulfonilureas, biguanidas, entre otros. Dicha composicion es util en el tratamiento de la obesidad, prevencion del aumento de peso, promover la perdida de peso o tratar y prevenir el desarrollo de diabetes