Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe uchrezhdenie "Rossijskij onkologicheskij nauchnyj tsentr imeni N.N. Blokhina" Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya Rossijskoj Federatsii (FGBU "RONTS im. N.N. Blokhina
Nikogosyan Seda Ovikovna,Никогосян Седа Овиковна,Kuznetsov Viktor Vasilevich,Кузнецов Виктор Васильевич
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to oncology, operative gynecology. Peritoneum of the right and left lateral canals along the psoas muscles from the level of the ligate round ligaments to the fifth lumbar vertebra lateral to the components of the funnel-pelvic ligament is knifed. At the anatomical location of the funnel-pelvic ligaments more than 5 cm below the sacropromontory, the incision of the peritoneum is extended higher along the sigmoid, blindgut and ascending colon, the dorsal surface of the ureters from the underlying fatty tissue in the area of intersection with the common iliac vessels without breaking its connection to mesodesma is isolates. Lymph glandes and fatty tissue along the outer, internal iliac vessels, obturator fossa, as well as pre-sacral lymph glandes without breaking the connection of bands of fibrous tissue of the parietal pelvic fascia with bands of fibrous tissue of the visceral pelvic fascia covering the lateral parametrium are isolated. Sacral-uterine ligaments are crossed and secured at the attachment site to the sacrum. Uterus is exenterated by a single block together with the entire group of regional lymph nodes: common iliac, presacral, external and internal iliac, obturator parametric, a paravaginal fiber and the upper third of the vagina. Method allows to achieve 5-year overall survival in 98.3 % and 5-year disease-free survival in 96.7% of patients with cervical cancer with T1A2-T2AN0-1M0 stages.EFFECT: method of extended complete hysterectomy at T1A2-T2AN0-1M0 stages of cervical cancer is proposed.1 cl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к онкологии, оперативной гинекологии. Рассекают брюшину правого и левого латеральных каналов вдоль поясничных мышц от уровня лигированных круглых связок до пятого поясничного позвонка латеральнее компонентов воронко-тазовой связки. При анатомическом расположении воронко-тазовых связок более 5 см ниже мыса крестца разрез брюшины продлевают выше вдоль