Federalnoe gosudarstvennoe byudzhetnoe obrazovatelnoe uchrezhdenie vysshego obrazovaniya "Rossijskij natsionalnyj issledovatelskij meditsinskij universitet im. N.I. Pirogova" Ministerstva zdravookhran
Egiazaryan Karen Albertovich (RU),Егиазарян Карен Альбертович (RU),Sirotin Ivan Vladimirovich (RU),Сиротин Иван Владимирович (RU),Medvedkov Dmitrij Igorevich (RU),Медведков Дмитрий Игоревич (RU)
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention relates to medicine, namely to traumatology and orthopedics, it can be used for the surgical treatment of comminuted fractures of the greater trochanter. Reposition of the greater trochanter and osteosynthesis are carried out. Large trochanter is collected from splinters. Pariostelly, soft tissues are stitched around the fragments with at least one pair of U-shaped sutures. Stitches of the U-shaped sutures intersect at right angle. Free ends of the stitched sutures are guided through the openings of the “spoon-shaped” “metaphysical-epiphyseal” end of the plate and are connected to each other, ensuring that the fragments are positioned and fixed to the plate. Plate is fixed to the fragments of the trochanter with the help of the spokes. Then through the openings of the "spoon-shaped" "metaphysical-epiphyseal" end of the plate, the channels are formed in the assembled large trochanter. Lockable screws are passed through them, performing the final fixation of the plate to the large trochanter. Large trochanter is repositioned by traction behind the “diaphysis” end of the plate. Plate is fixed to the diaphysis of the femur first by imposing the toothed bone holder, and then by inserting lockable screws through the plate into the diaphysis of the femur. Intervention is completed by replacing the screws that fix the plate to the greater trochanter for longer ones that ensure fixation of the large trochanter to the neck of the thigh.EFFECT: method provides for reliable reposition and fixation of the greater trochanter and its fragments in case of the comminuted nature of the fracture.1 cl, 11 dwg, 1 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к травматологии и ортопедии, может быть использовано для хирургического лечения оскольчатых переломов большого вертела. Проводят репозицию большого вертела и остеосинтез. Собирают из осколков большой вертел. Параоссально прошивают мягкие ткани вокруг осколков по меньшей мере одной парой П-образных