CHELE Nicolae;TOPALO Valentin;DABIJA Ion;CHELE Dumitru
CHELE Nicolae,TOPALO Valentin,DABIJA Ion,CHELE Dumitru
The invention relates to medicine, in particular to oral and maxillofacial surgery and implantology, and can be used for installing and stabilizing intraosseous dental implants in severe atrophies in the maxillary lateral regions.Summary consists in that it is performed the local-regional anesthesia and a horizontal incision of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity and periosteum at a distance of 2 mm from the tip of the alveolar process in the direction of the palatine bone or on the tip of the alveolar process, are surrounded the necks of teeth located at the border with the breach, from which begin the lines of vertical incisions to the fundus of the vestibular sac; using the radiogram, performed prior to operation, are assessed the condition of the maxillary sinus floor and the level of vertical lines, after which the mucoperiosteal flap is detached with a scraper, and a trapezoidal or oval access hole is made using a spherical cutter with a speed of 800-1200 rpm with the reference mark in accordance with the radiological template, located 2 mm higher and more than the lower sinus wall; is removed and raised the Schneider's membrane from the floor of the maxillary sinus with the formation of an augmentation space, into which are introduced bone allografts of sizes according to the prepared spaces, then are perforated the holes and inserted the intraosseous parts of the implants, and a titanium plate with holes is placed thereon, which is fixed with screws, afterwards the mucoperiosteal flap is returned to the bone surface and sutured with separate nonabsorbable sutures, and in 6 months is removed the titanium plate and is performed the prosthetics step.Invenţia se referă la medicină, în special la chirurgia oro-maxilo-facială şi la implantologie şi poate fi utilizată lainstalarea şi stabilizarea implanturilor dentare endoosoase în atrofii severe în zonele laterale ale maxilei.Esenţa constă în aceea că se efectuează anestezia loco-regională şi o incizie orizonta