1. A method for monitoring eye movement and gaze direction detection by the projection on the limb linear photodetectors comprising an optical system processing unit and devices external transmission information, characterized in that, in order to increase the process speed to speeds enable register changes gaze direction within milliseconds and / or register saccade is one or more series-connected linear photodetector for which the optical system is projected at least two projections th limbus border, and processing and detection of the viewing direction occurs by a simple algorithm in real time values limb projections of one or both eyes by direct calculation and / or by using pre-calculated data stored in the memory informatsii.2 processing unit. Device for implementing the method according to Claim. 1, characterized in that, in order to increase the method sensitivity, lights used svetodiodami.3 eye. Device for implementing the method according to Claim. 1 characterized in that to increase the accuracy of the method is performed before operation bootstrapping devices with special testov.4. Device for implementing the method according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the sequence of display images and / or display time, and / or type of saccades are used to control external ustroystvami.5. Device for implementing the method according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the data on the speed and type of saccadic eye used to evaluate in real time the psychological state cheloveka.6. Device for implementing the method according to Claim. 1, characterized in that the communication with external ustro1. Способ мониторинга движения глаз и определения направления взгляда по проекции лимба на линейные фотоприемники, содержащий оптическую систему, блок обработки и блок передачи информации внешним приборам, отличающийся тем, что, с целью повышения быстродействия способа до скоростей, позволяющих регистрировать изменения направление взгляда за миллисекунды и/или регистри