The present invention relates to a lotus leaf fermented tea and a manufacturing method using the lotus leaf, the leaf tissue of the resistant putnae, because of the earthy, such as the manufacture of fermentation for the production car will drive a hard lotus leaf.this happen before collecting the fluff and more particularly to a lotus leaf lotus leaf putnae unique, earthy, lifted odor removal process and the lotus leaf to remove the odor of my back Cutting step of holding a lotus leaf slice The lotus leaf is cut to a fermentation process and the fermentation 8-10 hours at 22 ~ 28 Fermented 10-20 minutes of roasting kiln process deokeum 50 ~ 60 and lotus Note that the process and to keep in mind 5-10 minutes The drying process The deokeum course, keep in mind the process, the drying process is the production of a single lotus leaf tea fermentation process consisting of more practice methods.The present invention is a water harvesting holding a lotus stem and put it in the container 4-8 hours continuously producing a superior taste and flavor of fermented tea, lotus leaf has been removed by the odor of the lotus leaf to put the process to flow been able to. Thereby it becomes possible to omit the complicated manufacturing process for removing a difference of a lotus leaf odor could simplify the manufacturing process of fermented tea, lotus leaf. Were also able to produce a fermented tea of lotus leaf by applying the conditions of the optimum car manufacture for producing a fermentation drive lotus leaf, it was possible to expand the consumption of this lotus leaf.본 발명은 연잎을 이용한 연잎 발효차 및 그 제조방법에 관한 것으로, 잎의 조직이 강하고 풋내, 흙냄새 등으로 인하여 차로 제조하기 힘든 연잎을 발효차로 제조하기 위한 것이다.보다 상세하게는 솜털이 생기기 전의 연잎을 채취하여 연잎 고유의 풋내, 흙냄새, 해금내 등의 이취를 제거하는 연잎의 이취 제거과정과 연잎을 채썰기하는 절단과정과 절단된 연잎을 22~28℃에서 8~10시간 발효하는 발효과정과 발효된 연잎을 50~60℃의 가마에서 10~20분 볶는 덖음과정과 5~10분 유념하는 유념과정과 건조과정 상기 덖음과정, 유념과정, 건조과정을 한번 더 실시하는 과정으로 이루어지는 연잎발효차의 제조방법인 것이다.본원발명은 연잎을 줄기채 채취하고 이를 용기에 담아 물을 지속적으로 흐르도록 하여 4~8시간 두는 과정을 통하여 연잎의 이취