1. A composition comprising: at least 10 wt% monoalcohol C or C dissolved therein a solid organic UV filter, an oil phase comprising one or more oils, wherein the oil phase is miscible monoalcohols with C or C, wherein the oil phase has a surface. tension at the interface with water for more than 9 and less than 13.9, and wherein the composition has a volume fraction of the oil phase relative to the oil phase and the amount of monoalcohol C or C, of about 0,091 or more, and wherein the composition is substantially bezvodnoy.2 . Composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the composition comprises from 10% to about 90% monoalcohol C or C.3. Composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the composition comprises from 15% to about 57% C or monoalcohol C.4. Composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the composition comprises from 20% to about 57% monoalcohol C or C.5. Composition according to claim. 1, wherein the oil phase has a surface tension at the interface with the water from about 10 to about 13.6. Composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the oil phase comprises diizopropiladipat.7. Composition according to claim. 1, wherein the oil phase has a surface tension at the interface with the water from about 10.5 to about 12,5.8. Composition according to claim. 1, wherein the oil phase has a surface tension at the interface with the water from about 11.0 to about 12,0.9. Composition according to Claim. 1, where the volume fraction of the oil phase relative to the total oil phase, monoalcohol and Csostavlyaet C or more 0,20.10. Composition according to claim. 1, where the volume fraction of the oil phase relative to the amount of oil and the monoalcohol Csostavlyaet C or from about 0.33 to about 0,80.11. Composition according to Claim. 1, wherein the composition comprises a film-forming maslonerastvorimy polimer.12. Composition according to claim. 1, where1. Композиция, содержащая:по меньшей мере 10 вес.% моноспирта C2 или C3растворенный в ней твердый органический УФ-фи