1. A device for closing a wound, comprising: a flexible base strip having a bottom surface coated with an adhesive for adhesion to the wound on one side, a top surface opposite the bottom surface, an inner edge and an outer edge, a plurality of bridge units, combined with the base strip in spaced by axis position wherein said bridging links extend transversely from said inner edge, wherein each of the bridge units can be moved around a hinge between a first position xp neniya, wherein the bridging links are folded over the top surface of the base strip and a second straightened position in which the bridging links extend outwardly from said inner margin wherein each of the bridging links has a first engaging surface and a second surface opposite to the engaging surface, this first engagement surface has an area of attachment for attachment to the other upper surface of the other base strip when said another base band placed on anti bying side of the wound, and the bridging links are in the unbent position, wherein the hinge region comprises partially flexible material, capable of maintaining a stable orientation bridging units in an intermediate angular position between the first and second polozheniyami.2. . The apparatus of claim 1, further comprising a latch for retention by a combination of an outer strip edge and the base extending outwardly a predetermined distance from the outer edge, wherein the tab to retain substantially free of adhesive, wherein said tongue for1. Устройство для закрытия раны, содержащее:гибкую полосу основания, имеющую нижнюю поверхность, покрытую адгезивом для сцепления с одной стороной раны, верхнюю поверхность, противоположную нижней поверхности, внутренний край и наружный краймножество мостиковых звеньев, объединенных с полосой основания в разнесенном по оси положении, при этом упомянутые мостиковые звенья продолжаются поперечно от упомянутого внутреннего краяпри этом каждое из мостиковых звеньев может перемещаться вокруг шарнирной