< Topic >The wave motion effect by the terahertz wave which can give satisfactory stimulus to the skin and the knife for the living body massage which so far can raise metabolism above the mechanical stimulus due to the convex section which was formed in the knife itself with the multiplier action is offered.SolutionsBeing the knife for the living body massage which formed the multiple convex sections in the rim edge, particular knife itself 1 is formed metal silicon, in entity, aforementioned multiple convex sections 2 - 5 are formed, alienating at specified interval, protruding although containment with the finger of each hand, possess the curved line form which is suited. Loose binds between the convex sections which are adjacent section 6 - 9 to be formed, aforementioned convex section 2 - 5 and aforementioned bind section choosing 6 - 9, containment knife itself 1 with the finger of the hand, while applying the convex section Tip to the skin and making move by the fact that you massage, with the mechanical stimulus due to the aforementioned convex section, it tried the wave motion stimulus by the terahertz wave of metal silicon origin to give to the skin be superimposed.< Choice figure >Drawing 1【課題】皮膚に良好な刺激を与えることができるテラヘルツ波による波動効果と、へら本体に形成した凸部による機械的刺激との相乗作用によりこれまで以上に新陳代謝を高めることができる生体マッサージ用のへらを提供する。【解決手段】外周縁部に複数の凸部を形成した生体マッサージ用のへらであって、当該へら本体1は金属シリコンを主体にして構成され、前記複数の凸部2~5は所定の間隔で離間して突成され、各々手の指で保持するのに適した曲線形状を有する。隣り合う凸部同士の間には緩やかな括れ部6~9を形成してあり、前記凸部2~5および前記括れ部6~9を選択して手の指でへら本体1を保持し、凸部先端を皮膚に当て移動させながらマッサージを行うことで、前記凸部による機械的刺激と共に、金属シリコン由来のテラヘルツ波による波動刺激を皮膚に重畳的に与えるようにした。【選択図】図1