A method for delivering medicamentsuch as for ameliorating pain in a patientincludes introducing an injector through a nasalpassage of the patient into a region substantially medialand/or posterior and/or inferior to a sphenopalatineganglion (SPG) of the patient; and deliveringa medicament from the injector superiorly and/orlaterally and/or anteriorly towards the SPG. A devicefor delivering a medicament to a patient inneed thereof includes (a) an injector containing afirst end configured to remain outside a nasal passageof the patient and a second end configured forentry into the nasal passage of the patient; and (b)an introducer configured for engagement with anostril of the patient and containing a passagewayconfigured for slidably receiving the injector. Theinjector is moveable between a storage positionpreceding the engagement and an engaging positionpursuant to the engagement.