ВАСУДЕВАН Венкатараманан Мандаколатхур (US),ДАНКИ-ДЖЕЙКОБС Адам Р. (US),БАКСТЕР Честер О. III (US),МОРГАН Джером Р. (US),ХЕНДЕРСОН Кортни Э. (US),МИЛЛЕР Кристофер К. (US),БЕЙКЕР Кент П. (US),ХАНТ Джон
1. An apparatus for suturing tissue, the apparatus comprising: (a) crosslinking a head node and (b) the actuator arm assembly comprising: i. body, ii. a trigger pivotally mounted to the body, and iii. a ratchet assembly comprising a first member and a second member, wherein the trigger member is adapted to push one or more staples from crosslinking head assembly iprichem ratchet assembly is configured to selectively retain the position of the trigger relative korpusa.2. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the first rotary member comprises a ratchet connected to the trigger, and wherein the second element comprises a fuse configured to selectively engage the rotary hrapovik.3. Apparatus according to claim. 2, in which the pivot is adapted to the ratchet slip relative to the lateral trigger mechanism, wherein the rotary ratchet comprising an inclined surface configured to pivot hrapovika.4 lateral displacement. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the second member comprises a release member, the release member is configured to disengage the second member from the first elementa.5. Apparatus according to claim. 4, wherein the release member comprises a rotatable ruchku.6. Apparatus according to claim. 4, wherein the release member comprises a handle, the handle releasing member is slidable relative to the housing, and wherein the handle releasing element adapted to longitudinal displacement of the second member relative to the first elementa.7. Apparatus according to claim. 1, wherein the first element is connected with the drive pusher, said second element1. Устройство для сшивания ткани, причем устройство содержит:(a) узел сшивающей головки и(b) узел рукоятки привода, содержащий:i. корпус,ii. спусковой механизм, шарнирно установленный на корпус, иiii. храповой узел, содержащий первый элемент и второй элементпричем спусковой элемент выполнен с возможностью выталкивать одну или более скоб из узла сшивающей головки ипричем храповой узел выполнен с возможностью