The invention provides a pharmaceutical and/or cosmetic product comprisingfirst and second active ingredient-containing formulations for topicaladministration to a patient, wherein said product includes storage meanswhereby said formulations are maintained separately prior to dispense,together with dispense means which permit said formulations to be dispensedfrom said storage means, characterised in that (i) an active ingredient in atleast one of said formulations is contained within a polymeric delivery system(e.g. a Microsponge delivery system) and (ii) both of said formulationscomprise water-based (e.g. aqueous) carrier bases having substantially thesame lipophilicity. Also provided is a dual or multi-chamber dispense systemsuitable for dispensing said formulations which is provided with a removableclosure, e.g. a cap. This closure prevents the formulations from beingaccidentally dispensed from a dispensing orifice(s) and can also reduceexposure of these orifice(s) to the air. The products of the invention areparticularly suitable for dispensing formulations for treating dermatologicalconditions such as acne, in particular formulations in which the activecomponents have stability limitations when combined, e.g. those comprisingoxidising antibacterials (e.g. benzoyl peroxide) and antibiotics.