An articulated knee prosthesis, comprising: a. a tibial component (16, 76, 154, 184) configured to fix a tibia, the tibial component comprising an upper-lower axis and a support surface (128) having an anterior portion and a posterior portion; and b. a femoral component (14, 74, 130, 152, 180) configured to articulate the tibial component in an articulated manner and rotate axially relative to the tibial component around the upper-lower axis, the femoral component comprising: i. a medial condyle; and ii. a lateral condyle, the medial and lateral condyles each having at least one sagittal curvature surface configured to make contact with the support surface of the tibial component and induce axial rotation of the femoral component relative to the support surface of the tibial component when the femoral component is moving in a posterior direction relative to the tibial component, characterized in that the posterior portion of the support surface comprises medial and lateral posterior portions each of which has an outline that slopes in a posterior direction configured to drive to the medial and lateral condyles of the femoral component to move in the posterior direction and to rotate axially in relation to the support surface.Una prótesis de rodilla articulada, que comprende: a. un componente tibial (16, 76, 154, 184) configurado para fijar a una tibia, comprendiendo el componente tibial un eje superior-inferior y una superficie de soporte (128) que tiene una porción anterior y una porción posterior; y b. un componente femoral (14, 74, 130, 152, 180) configurado para fijar de manera articulada al componente tibial y girar axialmente con relación al componente tibial alrededor del eje superior-inferior, comprendiendo el componente femoral: i. un cóndilo medial; y ii. un cóndilo lateral, teniendo los cóndilos medial y lateral cada uno al menos una superficie de curvatura sagital configurada para hacer contacto con la superficie de soporte del componente tibial e induci