This inventionis about a guiding system for the visually impaired. It consists of sensor and buzzer to locate obstacle and then produce a soundto alertthe visually impaired in timeto avoidinjury. Built into an regular eyeglasses withanultrasoundtransmitter, receiver and Complex Program Logic Device (CPLD) as an processing unit, this system will alert visually impaired with two warning tones at distance of 2 and 1 meter, respectively, before the visually impaired running into obstacles. Since this system is worn like a regular eyeglasses, it will detect obstacles mainly above ground and prevent injury to the upper part of the body.本發明係關於一種超音波導盲眼鏡,藉由眼鏡設有一超音波發射器及一超音波接收器,令視障者配帶眼鏡後,超音波發射器會持續向前發射一超音波訊號,當前方有障礙物時,障礙物會反射超音波訊號而被超音波接收器所接收,超音波接收器將接收到的超音波訊號傳送至處理單元,以令處理單元判斷視障者與障礙物之間的距離,一但距離為預設距離內時,處理單元會控制警報單元動作,以提示視障者注意前方有障礙物;再加上眼鏡係配帶於視障者頭部,以令本發明之眼鏡得以偵測前方距離地面較高處是否有障礙物。(A)...眼鏡(1)...眼鏡本體(11)...鏡片(11A)...鏡片(11B)...鏡片(12)...鼻樑(2)...超音波發射器(3)...超音波接收器(4)...處理單元(5)...警報單元(6)...電源供應裝置