Bryukhovetskij Andrej Stepanovich,Брюховецкий Андрей Степанович,Medvedev Sergej Vasilevich,Медведев Сергей Васильевич,Bryukhovetskij Igor Stepanovich,Брюховецкий Игорь Степанович,Khazina Lyudmila Vikt
FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: method for remote electromagnetic multiwave radio neuroengineering of human brain comprises the following steps: a) design and layout by complex diagnostic by means of brain MRI study, MRI tractography of brain damage zones (DZ) pathways, MRI angiography of brain vessels, brain positron emission tomography (PET) or whole body PET, brain computer tomography (CT), cerebral electroencephalographic mapping (EEG) and/or brain magnetoencephalography (MEG) to create individual 3D-map of nerve tissue (NT) damage simulation by a programmed multilevel merge of diagnostics data for subsequent determination of NT DZ by marking on the patients head skin using a stereotactic radiotherapy and radiosurgery apparatus to determine tilt angles and effective radii of the subsequent non-ionizing stereotactic effect of focused ultrasound (FUS) on NT b) NT DZ vascular bed resimulation using focused ultrasound under control of MRI ionizing radiation (IR) or structurally-resonance therapy (SRT) c) cell restoration of NT DZ by directed intervention of autologous mesenchymal stromal stem cells (MSSCs) mobilized in peripheral blood, hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) and progenitor cells (PCs) into the NT DZ d) NT DZ vegetative supply correction by means of combined exposure to electromagnetic non-ionizing radiation in the form of SRT with simultaneous or sequential exposure to FUS e) dynamic integration of somatic and vegetative components by combining FUS exposure with simultaneous or subsequent SRT exposure f) rehabilitation of damaged NT DZ functional state by combined application of SRT and FUS.EFFECT: method provides remote, non-invasive, focused, directed restoration of brain NT in treatment of a range of nervous and mental diseases at a stepwise combined exposure to different types of electromagnetic radiation, which eliminates disadvantages and complications from the use of these known methods of FUS, IR, SRT separately at minimum sufficient cellular interventi