The smart mobile chair and its control circuit of the present invention are manipulated by somatosensory swinging, which are mounted on an ordinary home chair and added with a triaxial acceleration sensor for sensing the inclination degree of a seat cushion. The sensed analog signal is fed to an analog/digital converter for being converted to a digital signal. Then, a microcontroller receives and processes the digital signal, so as to calculate the acceleration value and inclination degree. Finally, the calculation result is employed to determine the current usage status, so as to adjust and control the pulse width modulation signal of a permanent magnet synchronous motor and feed its signal to a motor driver for driving the motor to change the operation state, thereby achieving the purpose of moving the smart mobile chair.本發明智慧型行動椅及其控制電路係藉由體感搖擺的方式操控,主要是架設在一般常見之居家椅子上,加入三軸加速度感測器感測座墊之傾斜程度,並將其類比訊號饋送至類比/數位轉換器轉換成數位訊號,再藉由微控制器接收並將其訊號加以處理,計算其加速度值以及傾斜程度。最後,由計算之結果判斷當下之使用情況藉以調整控制永磁同步馬達之脈衝寬度調變訊號,並將其訊號饋送至馬達驅動器以驅動馬達改變運轉狀態,達到智慧型行動椅移動之目的。