FIELD: medicine.SUBSTANCE: invention refers to medicine, namely to pathomorphology, gynecology and reproductive medicine, and can be used for assessing endometrial receptiveness in endometriosis-associated infertility. Endometrial biopsy needle is performed in the period of the "implantation window". Obtained material is used to determine the level of expression HOXA10, GATA2, GATA6, SF-1 in endometrial stroma. If GATA2 expression ≥76 % is assigned "1 point", if <;76 %, is assigned "0 points". If GATA6 expression ≥2 %, assign "1 point", if <;2 %, assign "0 points". If the expression of HOXA10 ≤21 %, then assign "1 point", if >;21 %, assign "0 points". If SF-1 expression ≥2 %, then assign "1 point", if <;2 %, assign "0 points". Obtained points are summed up. If the score is "4 points", the presence of a very high risk of implant failure indicating a negative prediction of the implantation is determined. "3 points" is a high risk of implant inconsistency indicating a negative implantation prediction. "2 points" is moderate risk of implant inconsistency indicating a dubious implantation prognosis. "0 or 1 point" is a low risk of implantation failure indicating a positive implantation prediction.EFFECT: method provides an accurate assessment of endometrial susceptibility to blastocyst implantation in the "implantation window" period in the infertility patients caused by endometriosis, due to the immunohistochemical evaluation-based assessment of expression levels of key biomolecules in the eutopic endometrium during the "implantation window", responsible for progesterone resistance in endometriosis, disregulating endometrial implantation function in order to predict endometrial pattern inconsistency.1 cl, 3 tbl, 2 exИзобретение относится к медицине, а именно к патоморфологии, гинекологии и репродуктологии, и может быть использовано для оценки рецептивности эндометрия при эндометриоз-ассоциированном бесплодии. Выполняют пайпель-биопсию эндометрия в период "имплан