A delivery/reception device for a workpiece for an absorptive article, configured in such a manner that the device receives a first sheet-like workpiece, which is conveyed in the conveyance direction, at a reception position, changes the direction of the first sheet-like workpiece so that the longitudinal direction thereof coincides with the direction intersecting the longitudinal direction of the first sheet-like workpiece at the time when the first sheet-like workpiece was received at the reception position, and delivers at a delivery position the first sheet-like workpiece, the longitudinal direction of which has been changed. The delivery/reception device is provided with: holding pads each having a flat surface section which makes contact with one surface of the first sheet-like workpiece and holds the first sheet-like workpiece a revolution mechanism for revolving the holding pads about a revolution axis parallel to a line normal to the flat surface sections and a rotation mechanism for rotating each of the holding pads about a rotation axis parallel to the line normal to the flat surface sections. The reception position and the delivery position are set on the locus of revolution of the holding pads, the locus being formed by the revolution mechanism.本發明之課題在抑制第1薄片狀工件的接收時或送出時,可能會產生的皺紋。解決手段,一種在接收位置接收朝搬送方向被搬送的第1薄片狀工件,將該第1薄片狀工件的長方向的朝向變更成朝向與在前述接收位置接收後前述長方向的朝向交叉的方向,在送出位置送出改變了前述長方向的朝向的前述第1薄片狀構件之吸收性物品的工件收授裝置。其中具有:具有抵接在前述第1薄片狀工件的單面,保持該第1薄片狀工件的平面部的複數個保持墊;使前述保持墊在與前述平面部的法線方向平行的公轉軸周圍公轉的公轉機構;以及使前述保持墊在與前述平面部的法線方向平行的自轉軸周圍自轉的自轉機構。在由前述公轉機構所形成的前述保持墊的公轉軌道上,設有前述接收位置與前述送出位置。100...切割輥裝置35...保持墊35a...保持面101...切割輥C100...軸C35...自轉軸35e1...下游端部(第1端部、第3端部)Qin...接收位置102...砧輥10...吸收性本體(第1薄片狀工件)30...收授裝置TrC...半圓軌道120...壓輥裝置10e...端部Qout...送出位置20a...連續體10e2...尾端部35e2...第2端部1a...半成品C40...公轉軸10e1...前端部101k...裁切刃C120...軸24a...背側帶構件的連續體(第2薄片狀工件)